Sunday, 14 October 2018

I'm back! Again! Is there anybody still out there?

Hi folks,

No nice pics for the moment as I've been very busy with both my parents being very ill. I don't think I've picked up a brush in a few years!! i'm now sorting a new studio which sounds simple right? not so! you should know better as a wargamer/miniature collector!! We hoard, not just miniatures and paints but just stuff. Yeah, stuff. The type of thing where you end up raiding the local Lidl stores surroundings because they have just the right sort of wooden chip to make excellent realistic rocks!

Anyway, I'm currently sorting all of the studio out- which includes putting miniatures back in the correct boxes (a very disheartening task) and sorting out all of the other gumph.

This is really a long winded way of saying that I have returned to the hobby and soon will be painting again so watch this space. That is, if people still tend to gander at Blogs?



  1. Glad to hear of your return and yes I still do my Blog and still view blogs , I find they give me ideas and encouragement.

  2. 100% agree about inspiration.... you just don't get the fullness of expressive writing etc on Facepoop as one did on a blog.

  3. Glad to see you back my friend. Your return is an incentive to renew my own blog also. Start wearing down those brushes of yours!!!!

    1. I've got to wear down my knees putting together my new studio first :>(LOL


  4. Welcome back to the Blogosphere! I'm looking forward to your new posts.
